A client is re-entering the workforce and is both applying for jobs and getting internships in her chosen field of film/television/video production.
Job Search Basic: Stay in the Now

My client has past experience in television production, an advanced degree in filmmaking, and recent experience as a curator and judge for film festivals. But her most recent work experience is administrative. So I suggested internships as a way for her to learn the most modern aspects of video production. At the same time, she is applying for Production Coordinator positions – something she did before.
We’re hoping her new resume positions her to get interviews for such jobs.
So far, it has gotten her interviews for internships, and she’s secured one video production internship already. And she just had a phone interview for a Production Coordinator position with a fitness streaming company looking to produce content.
But…she wrote to me to say “the recruiter emailed me saying that the client said they thought my experience better aligns with a production assistant position…if I wanted to interview for a Production Assistant position.”
She’s very disappointed, and wonders if this means that she should stop applying for Production Coordinator positions.
I don’t think so.
I think that they are considering that you have been out of the market for a while and will need to learn some of the newer methods etc. I’d go ahead and interview because you will:
a) get experience with interviewing;
b) learn more about what a Production Assistant does; and
c) have a chance to find out the distinction between PA and Production Coordinator from the recruiter.
Remember, this was not a “no!” This was a qualified “yes” to you continuing in the interview process – and that’s a very good thing!
You can still apply for Production Coordinator jobs – one person’s opinion is only one person’s opinion. And PA positions may be a good fit for you. You’ll never know unless you interview 🙂
Just keep applying, putting one foot in front of the other. It’s hard to stay “in the now” I know, but that is the best path for a job search. Projecting into the future is usually a set up for disappointment and frustration or dejection and depression. So stay in the present, taking actions and letting go of the results. You (and I) have no idea what will happen next. Which makes it a little exciting! Be curious: I wonder what will happen next? Let’s see!
Job search is a journey of the unexpected. By staying in the now as much as possible, you can maintain your emotional balance and not get too high or too low. It’s not good to get attached to the result of any part of the process – a negative outcome or a positive one. You never know what will happen.
Applying for only one title limits you. Apply for a lot of them, and see which ones turn out to be better fits for you. We may think we know what we “should” be applying for only to find out that there is something better for us. That’s why I suggest using skills as keywords to search for jobs, rather than job titles.
Fear of making a mistake and taking a job that isn’t a right fit can sometimes prevent people from applying and interviewing. Applying for a job doesn’t mean you’ll get nor that you have to take it. Interviewing for a job doesn’t commit you to it. Even getting a job offer doesn’t commit you to it.
Be curious and open-minded as you take action in your job search, and let go of the results. Stay in the now, and see what happens.