Photo by Suzanne Vosburg.
My name is Julie Erickson, and I teach job seekers how to find and do work they absolutely love.
I was shocked to read a recent study by the international staffing firm Randstad that found just 29% of US and 33% of Canadian workers were “very satisfied” with their work. And only 6% of Japanese! The country with the most “very satisfied” workers was Norway with 35%.
What a sad situation! I am floored by the number of people worldwide who go to work every day being somewhat or very unhappy with their work.
Yet my experience with jobseekers bears out the statistics. So many people come to my site because they are dissatisfied with their jobs, and it is now affecting every aspect of their life. There’s too much anger and depression out there because of work.
That study doesn’t even count the people who don’t have work when they want it. I see so many people who’ve looked and looked, without landing any job. Their fear, hopelessness, and anger permeates their whole lives, fostering lack of confidence, resentment of others, even shame that they haven’t found a job. “There must be something wrong with ME” whispers the voice in their heads.
I know how they feel because I’ve been there. I’ve had jobs I hate, bosses I can’t stand working for, and periods of unemployment where I wondered if I’d ever get a job. They were hard times, times that eroded my self-confidence and made me doubt my abilities and talents. I knew I had to find a way out and into work that fed my soul as well as my paycheck.
Fortunately, I did find a solution. With experience and help from others, I learned what it takes to get a job that is fulfilling. Through coaching, trial-and-error, bad bosses, and growing self-knowledge, I ended up with work where I was excited about going to work every morning. Work where I felt useful, valued, and valuable.
I was lucky to find that answer early in my work life. As a result, I had a long, happy career in non-profit management, including 12 years as a CEO of major NYC non-profits.
During my career, I hired and coached hundreds of people, always focusing on “finding the right fit” for them and for the company. For four years in New York City, I worked with the private sector to identify exactly what employers look for when they hire people.
I’ve also raised more than $100 million dollars for charity, using a specialized marketing toolbox. I bring my marketing expertise to the field of job search.
Now I share the job search and marketing techniques that worked for me to help YOU find work you really love.
This blog shares the insights and tools I’ve learned to help you do a personalized job search for work you love. Using the information here, you will become specific about exactly what you want to do, identify your Core Value Proposition for employers, and get tools you need to create a resume and cover letters that effectively market you to your targeted employers.
My e-book takes you through the entire coaching system I use to guide people to find and get work they absolutely love.
And I show you the tools and resources that help me and my clients stay up-to-date with the changes in our 21st century workplace.
I’d love to hear your comments on the site. And if you have any questions you’d like me to answer, contact me at using the form to the left. Thanks for reading and may you find YOUR right fit work.