Here’s a new job search site that provides information on salaries for specific jobs at specific employers:

I typed in “Director of Marketing” and the site returned 178 salary results (at 154 companies) around the US, and 26 in New York City. NYC salaries ranged from $305,000 to $40,000. The site also returned results for similar job titles, such as Director of Sales and Marketing, Business Dev. & Marketing Director, and Director Marketing Communications.

For Chief Operating Officer, there were 77 salaries (at 63 companies), and 5 in New York City (salaries ranging from $500,000 to $58,000).

There were prompts for “Popular Jobs” including Project Manager, Registered Nurse, Architect, Engineer – a fairly wide range of occupations.

From what I saw, all those jobs were at for-profit companies. While I found a few non-profit fundraising jobs, I would guess that the site has yet to build up a database for the non-profit sector.

This is one more good resource for finding out if your salary requirements and wishes are in line with what the industry is NOW paying.
