9393482_683bc7b356A client had an interview with a big company that she said went well.  Then she got a “we’ve decided to go with other candidates” email from HR.  I suggested she send the following note to the hiring manager.
Dear xx,
I just received word that my candidacy will not be progressing.  Of course, I am disappointed because I really enjoyed our conversation and was even more interested in working for xx, a company that is [doing something concrete and admirable].  
While I may not have been the right candidate for this position, I believe that I have the skills and experience to do a great job for xx. So I hope you will keep me in mind for any future positions you think I might be right for.  
Thank you again for taking the time to discuss xx, the position, and my interest in adding value to xx.
It’s rare to get this kind of note so it will stick in the person’s mind.  If you can send a handwritten note, that would be even better. It will leave a good impression, and perhaps keep the door ajar even a little bit at a company that is sure to hire many people over the years.