As a top executive, you have very few people to talk to about your work.

  • Your family doesn’t understand and sometimes doesn’t want to know about the complexities of your work environment.
  • It can be risky to talk with your colleagues about challenges
  • You can’t really be open with your subordinates who look to you to lead
  • Talking to your boss or Board makes you too vulnerable

Sometimes you need a “thought partner” and ally, someone who can help you navigate the politics, strategy and complexity of your work.

That’s where I come in! I’m an experienced executive coach, with a background as a successful leader.

As your executive coach, my job is to help you in whatever way you need to be most effective and happy. I’m someone with whom you can think things through, openly discuss a complex situation, strategize, share your uncertainties, mastermind and brainstorm ideas, vent frustration, and develop action plans.

I was the CEO/Executive Director of two NYC non-profit organizations for 12 years, and I worked with an executive coach for that entire time. Coaching was key to my success.

  • Sometimes I just needed to talk out loud about a situation. When I talked about it, it became clear to me and what some of the issues were.
  • Other times I needed input and ideas from someone who had been there, had similar experiences and had a different tool kit.

Today I have two executive coaches, because I have found that having someone outside the organization, simply to talk to about what I am facing helps me

  • get clarity and realize next steps to build and grow my business
  • handle a challenging situation
  • have more satisfaction in my life.

I bring to you my CEO experience and my decade plus experience as a coach. My role is to help you get to the best solution and approach.


Here’s how I work:

  • I ask you a lot of questions because I believe that’s the most effective method for helping you arrive at the best solution.  You are the “subject matter expert” on the issues, information, personalities, structure, and goals of your business.
  • I also will offer ideas and suggestions, because sometimes you need more information to help you come to a solution.
    • I draw on my experience, toolkit, and continuing learning. I read everything that there is about leadership, management, coaching, communication, organizational development…everything of concern to top executives.
    • I also draw on a vast amount of resources from my other clients. They work in a wide range of fields and have their own tool kits that they share them with me,

I work on the telephone via Skype or Zoom or Google Hangouts. I also do in-person strategic planning exercises with you to help you lay out your future path over the next 6 to 12 months.

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